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[논문] Comprehensive Toxic Plants 2024-12-01
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The production of toxic plant secondary metabolites (phytotoxins) for defense is a widespread phenomenon in the plant kingdom and is even present in agricultural crops. These phytotoxins may have similar characteristics to anthropogenic micropollutants in terms of persistence and toxicity. However, they are only rarely included in environmental risk assessments, partly because a systematic overview of phytotoxins is missing. Here, we present a newly developed, freely available database, Toxic Plants–PhytoToxins (TPPT), containing 1586 phytotoxins of potential ecotoxicological relevance in Central Europe linked to 844 plant species. Our database summarizes phytotoxin patterns in plant species and provides detailed biological and chemical information as well as in silico estimated properties. Using the database, we evaluated phytotoxins regarding occurrence, approximated from the frequencies of Swiss plant species; environmental behavior based on aquatic persistence and mobility; and toxicity. The assessment showed that over 34% of all phytotoxins are potential aquatic micropollutants and should be included in environmental investigations.

tabledata fieldcontent descriptionexample
phytotoxinsphytotoxin numbercontinuous numbering of the phytotoxins, labeled with a T for toxinsT1433
phytotoxinsphytotoxin namemost common English name, important alternative names in bracketsptaquiloside (braxin C)
phytotoxinsCASRNChemical Abstract Service Registry Numbera87625-62-5
phytotoxinsmajor plant genusall plant genera that are included in the database and contain the phytotoxinPteridium
phytotoxinsadditional plant genusplant genera that produce the phytotoxin but are not included in the database because of low toxicity
phytotoxinsPSM classplant-secondary-metabolite (PSM) classes to which the phytotoxin belongsbterpene, sesquiterpene, norsesquiterpene
phytotoxinsInChIKeyshort version of the IUPAC Chemical Identifier (InChI)GPHSJPVUEZFIDE-YVPLJZHISA-N
phytotoxinsstereo SMILESSMILES with stereoinformationaC[C@@H]1C[C@]2(C═C(C3(CC3)[C@@]([C@H]2C1═O)(C)O)C)O[C@H]4[C@@H]([C@H]([C@@H]([C@H](O4)CO)O)O)O
phytotoxinscanonical SMILESSMILES without stereoinformationc
phytotoxinsmolecular formulamolecular formula including chargeC20H30O8
phytotoxinsmolecular weightmolecular weight (g/mol)398.5
phytotoxinsChemSpider_IDChemSpider identification number10312775
phytotoxinsPubChem_CIDPubChem compound identification number13962857
phytotoxinsreferencesall references used for the phytotoxin–plant-species-relationship assemblyRasmussen et al. (2003), (52) Rasmussen et al. (2005), (14) Hoerger et al. (2009), (53) Teuscher and Lindequist (2010), (23) KNApSAcK database (51)
phytotoxin–toxic-plant-species relationshipsnumbercontinuous numbering4183
phytotoxin–toxic-plant-species relationshipscompositionadditional information about the composition (e.g., major, minor, mix, possible) or the role (e.g., precursor, metabolite, aglycone)amajor toxin
toxic plant speciesplant numbercontinuous numbering of the plant species, labeled with a P for plant speciesP14
toxic plant speciesLatin plant nameplant species name in LatinPteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn
toxic plant speciesGerman plant nameplant species name in GermanaAdlerfarn
toxic plant speciesEnglish plant nameplant species name in Englishabracken fern
toxic plant speciesplant genusgenus of the plant speciesPteridium
toxic plant speciesplant familyfamily of the plant speciesDennstaedtiaceae
toxic plant speciesglobal spatial distributiondistribution of the plant within the worlddglobal
toxic plant speciesSwiss frequencypercent of 10 km2 areas in which the plant species is found (for Switzerland)52
toxic plant speciesSwiss appearancedistinction between alien and domestic plants in Switzerlanddomestic
toxic plant speciesvegetation typetype of vegetation in which the plant species growseforest plant
toxic plant speciesblooming periodtime period in which the plant species is bloomingJuly–Sept
toxic plant speciestoxic plant partdefinition of the toxic plant parta,fwhole plant
toxic plant specieshuman toxicityapproximate characterization of the toxic effect on humansgtoxic
toxic plant speciesanimal toxicityapproximate strength of the animal toxicityhvery strongly toxic
toxic plant speciesinvasive foreignspecification of whether a plant species is invasivei
toxic plant speciesgarden plantinformation on whether a plant species is used as a garden plant (yes/—)
toxic plant speciesagricultural plantinformation on whether a plant species is used as an agricultural plant (yes/—)
remarksplant genusremarks are combined for the plant genusjPteridium
remarkscommentdata field for all kind of comments and additional information or specificationsNorsesquiterpenoids are toxic (carcinogenic); the major one is ptaquiloside. Further, the cyanogenic glycoside prunasin and the enzyme thiaminase are present.
remarksscientific-knowledge-availability scoredescription of the knowledge found in the literature of the phytotoxin–plant-species relationshipsk2.5